This is my Blog and this is my first blog I ever have.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
1. Every morning, you can try to do exercise like running on the street or just
walking for 30 minutes or get a yoga exercise.
2. Eating some fresh food and drink a glass of juice that can make you to be
3. Going on vacation with your family or friends to some fun places. Don’t walk
alone or in the bedroom alone, because we need to talk with someone.
4. Don’t think this problem since you’re still stress.
5. Do your hobbies that didn’t do until now.
6. For the last is always smile….
Monday, June 1, 2009
Be a good human
Written by :
Dinda Leilyta P.S
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
1.To remember the kindest of someone than her badness, although she / he is terribly
2. looking for your talent and developed it. For example you can design some clothes in a short
3. Visiting a library and borrowing some one or two books there. We can borrow it if we don't
want to buy books.
4. Saving a part of your money to given to the poor people. There are a lot of poor people
surrounding us and maybe they are our close friend.
5. Recognize how we look this life. Finding what's the most important things in this life.
6. Exploring other talent that has been forgotten until now such as make a poem.
7. Learning isn't depended by calculator. Try to calculate a simple enumeration in our head. It
will make our memory better.
8. And the last is enjoy your life and don't forget to show your smile. ok.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Memang benar kalau semua cewek itu cantik. Apa buktinya ? Buktinya, kita semua diberikan oleh Tuhan anggota tubuh yang lengkap dan sempurna. Kita punya mata, hidung, telinga dan bibir dan semuanya itu merupakan anugerah dari Tuhan semata. Kalau kamu berpikir “mataku sipit”, ”hidung mancung kedalam”, ”bibir tebal”. Kesemuanya itu bukan berarti kamu tuh jelek. Yang penting kamu pede dengan diri kamu sendiri “be yourself”, But jangan terlalu kepedean. Trus jadilah cewek yang baik hati. Setidaknya buat dirimu dikenal menjadi cewek yang paling baik daripada cewek yang kecentilan, always keep smile and be happy. Nggak susah kok ! Aku jamin dech ! Dari beberapa buku yang pernah aku baca salah satunya buku yang berjudul “Why man can only do one things at one time and Why woman can’t stop talking” dijelaskan kalau cowok tuh mendambakan 5 hal yang utama dari cewek yaitu :
Tubuh bagus
Jadi kalau kepribadian kamu tuh bagus, inner kecantikan mu bakalan muncul meski kamu pikir fisikmu nggak cantik-cantik amat. So, kalau kamu pengen jadi cewek yang paling cantik, kamu harus bisa memenuhi 5 ciri diatas. Don’t worry and be a natural girl, Okay ;) .
Write by :
Dhindha XI A 1